Fearfulness, helplessness, and anxiety are all words to describe the enduring emotions that may take…

Honoring Jack Neher
It is with sadness that I tell you that Jack Neher, co-founder of It’s My Very Own (IMVO) went to sleep in Jesus on Father’s Day June 21, 2020. Jack was a good man, a good father and a good husband. Jack was foundational to IMVO. He made bags for the local chapter, he did the bookkeeping for the local and national chapter. He was supportive of Barbara in everyway. Barbara is an idea person, an entrepreneur, an artist and a public speaker. She developed IMVO including a manual, logo, brochures, donation letter and much more. Jack was her cheerleader, her behind the scenes “get it done” person, her loving support. Jack is greatly missed already. We mourn but not without hope for we know we shall see Jack again when Jesus comes to take us all home. If you would like to send a card to Barbara please address it to:
Barbara Neher
P.O. Box 1156
Cadiz, KY 42211